Command Line Interface (CLI)

In addition to the web interface, also a set of Globus CLI tools are available. These are useful for automating your transfer processes, including the scheduling of recurrent transfers.

Getting started with the CLI

The Globus CLI documentation. contains an adequate introduction to the CLI. The following only includes VSC-specific examples and tips.

The latest release can be locally installed in e.g. a Python Virtual Environment as follows:

$ /usr/bin/python3 -m venv venv_globus
$ source ./venv_globus/bin/activate
$ pip install globus-cli

One of the dependencies is currently incompatible with Python3’s ASCII encoding, requiring a change in the locale settings:

$ export LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 && export LANG=en_US.utf-8

You can now authenticate by executing:

$ globus login

and logging in via the generated URL, which will provide an access token. The available VSC endpoints can be then listed as follows:

$ globus endpoint search "VSC Tier"
ID                                   | Owner                         | Display Name
------------------------------------ | ----------------------------- | --------------------
4f9698ae-5644-11eb-a45c-0e095b4c2e55 |        | VSC KU Leuven Tier1
2e1e56a4-3faa-11eb-b185-0ee0d5d9299f |        | VSC KU Leuven Tier2
ff4d98be-5c46-11e9-a623-0a54e005f950 |    | VSC UAntwerpen Tier2
bc2900d0-516c-11e9-bf30-0edbf3a4e7ee |         | VSC UGent Tier2
c62f6838-88f5-11e9-b807-0a37f382de32 |            | VSC VUB Tier2

To transfer a file from e.g. the KU Leuven Tier2 scratch to the Tier1 scratch:

$ endpoint_src=2e1e56a4-3faa-11eb-b185-0ee0d5d9299f
$ endpoint_dest=4f9698ae-5644-11eb-a45c-0e095b4c2e55
$ globus transfer $endpoint_src:$VSC_SCRATCH/testfile.tgz \
         $endpoint_dest:$VSC_SCRATCH/testfile.tgz --label "test_transfer"
Message: The transfer has been accepted and a task has been created and queued for execution
Task ID: 335cffea-9ef7-42dc-aac2-11cc312c3e51

Many more examples can be found in the Globus CLI documentation.

Scheduling transfers with Globus-Timer-CLI

Transfers can also be scheduled to happen in the future (instead of being executed immediately as in the example above) and to be repeated on a regular basis. These services are enabled by the Globus Timer API. The corresponding CLI tools can be installed in your Python (virtual) environment using Pip (Globus-Timer-CLI on PyPi).

The above example can then be made to start at a certain point in the future and to be repeated every 7 days:

$ globus-timer job transfer \
               --name test_transfer_weekly \
               --label "test_transfer_weekly" \
               --interval 604800 \
               --start '2021-06-02T11:00:00' \
               --source-endpoint $endpoint_src \
               --dest-endpoint $endpoint_dest \
               --item $VSC_SCRATCH/testfile.tgz $VSC_SCRATCH/testfile.tgz false
Name:            test_transfer
Job ID:          6aa3ca88-8ae4-442d-99da-c5a89821c299
Status:          new
Start:           2021-06-02T09:00:00+00:00
Interval:        7 days, 0:00:00
Next Run At:     2021-06-09T09:00:00+00:00
Last Run Result: NOT RUN

For more information on the available transfer options and monitoring tools, please consult Globus-Timer-CLI on PyPi.


Times in the globus-timer outputs are always in UTC time, not in our local (CEST) time.